Washington County, MN Open to Business Program
Small businesses provide the economic lifeblood for the communities we serve. These small firms generate the jobs and income that make an important difference for families and neighborhoods throughout our metropolitan region.
Open to Business provides free, confidential business counseling to existing businesses and prospective entrepreneurs. Our experienced consultants work with small business owners to access the technical assistance and financing options they need to succeed. Open to Business partners with cities and counties to make our free services available to entrepreneurs and small businesses located throughout the Twin Cities metro area.
Advising and Technical Assistance
Growing or starting a small business is not easy. MCCD’s Open to Business program offers free, one-on-one, confidential business consulting to help entrepreneurs in Open to Business cities through the process of growing or starting their businesses. Our experienced advisors offer FREE, confidential business consulting & lending options.
- Business & strategic planning
- Marketing & communications planning
- Regulatory, tax, licensing, & accounting training
- Financial assessment
- Referrals to critical professional services
Access to Capital
Open to Business advisors assist entrepreneurs to identify borrowing needs and accessing financing options. We work with our clients to help them find the financing that best meets their own unique needs. MCCD also provides direct financing and loans in partnership with banks and nonprofit lenders. Funds can be used for inventory, working capital, asset and equipment purchases, real estate acquisition, and start-up costs.
- Loan Packaging/Facilitation
- Loans for New and Emerging Businesses
- Loans for Second Stage and Growing Businesses
- Gap Financing for Real Estate
- Acquisition Financing for Real Estate
Washington County Open to Business Contact
If you’re interested in seeing how Open to Business can help your business during these challenging times, email Tyler Hilsabeck at thilsabeck@mccdmn.org, or give him a call at 612-789-8838. Tyler is the Open to Business Advisor for Washington County. He holds many workshops and meetings throughout the county, and can also meet with you confidentially, one-on-one and figure out how Open to Business can assist with your business needs. This service is provided by the Washington County CDA.
Tyler Hilsabeck