Washington County’s ‘Open to Business’ Program is Help Metro Area Entrepreneurs with Start-Ups and Expansions
August 10, 2020
Are you an entrepreneur or small business owner looking to grow? Washington County has teamed up with the Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers (MCCD) to help local businesses receive the technical and financial resources that they may need to expand - including access to start-up funds.
The ‘Open to Business’ program provides local businesses the opportunity for loans and acquisition financing for real estate. The program also aids with business plans, financial projections, and loan applications. Technical assistance with other business operations which are also available upon inquiry. In 2018, 125 clients were served with nearly $400K being disbursed in loans provided with an addition $375K in loans currently in the process of being disbursed. Click here to learn if your business is eligible for financial assistance through Washington County’s ‘Open to Business’ program.