Governor Walz latest Executive Order: Turning the Dial Forward with Limited Capacities
January 6, 2021
Below, is a summary of the Governor's Latest Executive Order which includes the reopening of bars and restaurants at a limited capacity.
In summary, the new Executive order goes into effect at 11:59 pm on Sunday, Jan 10th and is as follows:
Bars and restaurants can resume indoor dining at 50% capacity, 150 people maximum.
Tables of six people, six feet between tables.
Bar seating is open to parties of two
Reservations are required
Establishments must close dine-in service by 10 p.m.
Gym capacity remains at 25% with an increase to 150 people maximum.
Classes can increase to 25 people with appropriate distancing.
Equipment, Machines and people must maintain 9 feet of distance.
Face coverings are required.
Bowling alleys, movie theaters, and other indoor entertainment venues may open at 25 percent in each area with no more than 150 people in each area of the venue.
Masks and distancing between parties is required.
No food service after 10 p.m.
Small social gatherings remain unchanged
Outside - 3 households with a 15 person maximum
Inside - 2 households with a 10 person maximum
Outdoor events and entertainment continue at 25% capacity, but capacity increases to 250 people with social distancing.
Bowling alleys, movie theaters, and other indoor entertainment venues may open at 25 percent in each area with no more than 150 people in each area of the venue.
Masks and distancing between parties is required.
No food service after 10 p.m.
Youth and adult organized sports have resumed practice as of January 4 and games resume January 14 with spectators, and must follow indoor and outdoor capacity restrictions. Tournaments and out of state play are discouraged.
Pools opened on Jan 4 for some activity and may now open, like gyms, at 25% capacity.
Wedding receptions and other private parties may resume with limits. If food and drink are served at the event, then they are limited to the same capacities as the Small Social Gatherings indoor and outdoor orders. If there is no food or drink, they are covered by event venue guidelines.
Places of worship remain open at 50% capacity but without an overall maximum capacity.