2020-2021 Leadership Minnesota Participant Profiles
July 28, 2021
Minnesota’s economic engine is powered by more than 100,000 businesses, a diverse landscape interconnected in ways not understood by the casual observer. For a select group, Leadership Minnesota opens the window to a behind-the-scenes look at what makes our state’s economy tick. This exclusive program also helps you understand how public policy crafted at the Capitol impacts the vitality of each and every Minnesota company. By establishing a rich network of Minnesota business leaders, your shared experiences make you more effective leaders at your workplace.
Profiled on July 28
What is the best part about your current job/role in your company?
The best part of my current role in our company is the variety of people and environments that I have the opportunity to work with. My office is the Minnesota “Northwoods” and I love it, and the people that surround me are hardworking, salt of the earth folks that make the job very enjoyable.