Washington County is Grateful for its Manufacturers
September 28, 2021
Manufacturing is the backbone of the U.S. economy, from national conglomerates to the smallest of startups. Washington County is fortunate to have a thriving collection of manufacturing companies located within its borders that produce goods made by a talented workforce using the latest technologies. Beginning with Manufacturing Day on Friday, October 1 and continuing throughout the month, the Washington County Community Development Agency (CDA) is celebrating these companies for their employment opportunities, innovations and dedication to our community.
Manufacturing Day Stretches Through the Whole Month of October
Launched annually on the first Friday in October with events that continue throughout the month, Manufacturing Day shows the reality of modern manufacturing careers by encouraging thousands of companies and educational institutions around the nation to open their doors to students, parents, teachers, and community leaders. With the theme of “Creators Wanted,” the focus is on building the workforce of the future by educating America’s youth about the incredible career pathways that modern manufacturing offers. Manufacturing creates careers that are full of opportunity for advancement and stability.
Manufacturing in Washington County
Washington County is filled with many notable manufacturing companies, covering a range of industries. Manufacturers such as 3M, Harvey Vogel Manufacturing and Andersen Corporation are leaders in technology and good workplace practices, produce high quality products and consistently innovate to keep in step with and progress their industries. We are proud these companies have made their home in Washington County.
Manufacturing Sector Growth in Minnesota
Manufacturing’s importance in Washington County and throughout Minnesota is due to the sector’s stability and growth. In fact, manufacturing contributes 13.55% to the Gross State Product annually, according to the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM). The export of manufacturing goods from Minnesota was also over $18.84 billion, creating jobs and economic opportunities for the state.
The Minnesota manufacturing industry employed 310,000 people in 2020, and as reported by NAM, the average annual compensation for Minnesota manufacturing jobs was nearly $81,000 in 2019. Upon graduating high school or trade school, students can begin working for one of Washington County’s manufacturing companies and within a few years, reach a level of income that surpasses the average household income in the United States.
Reasons to Locate in Washington County
Washington County offers several advantages to national and global manufacturing companies, beginning with its location. Local businesses can reach downtown St. Paul in as little as ten minutes, while the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport is only about 15 minutes away. Major interstates I-94 and I-35 bisect the county, offering quick and dependable access to the rest of the Midwest and beyond.
Sites and buildings are available for manufacturing companies looking to expand. Here, businesses have the room they need to grow, with thousands of acres ready for development along Interstates 94, 494, 694 & 35. The Washington County CDAl is available to make it easy to find the perfect location. In certain cases, financial incentives can be applied to make the move an even better investment.
Additionally, Washington County has a talented, available workforce that has consistently exhibited sustainable growth. Between 2020 and 2030, it is projected that the population of 25 to 34-year-olds living in the county will grow by 65 percent. In addition, there are over 100,000 people leaving the county for work every day that could be working for companies moving to Washington County. Training and further education for these workers is extremely accessible in the area as well. The Washington County Workforce Development Board works on comprehensive plans to strengthen our community’s workforce and align local skills with in-demand jobs. Nearby St. Paul has one of the highest number of post-secondary education institutions per capita in the country.
To learn more about manufacturing opportunities in Washington County, email the Washington County CDA or call (651) 458-0936.