Join other small business owners at the What’s Next CEO Roundtable
December 5, 2022
Challenges and issues arise for small businesses on a seemingly daily basis. Nothing helps those running these businesses as knowledgeable peers who ‘have been through it before.’ Fortunately for those in Washington County, What's Next CEO Roundtable offers exactly that helpful forum.
What’s Next CEO Roundtable is a professional business meeting between peers - not a networking event. The group will consist of individuals responsible for the whole operation of a business with annual revenue between $500,00 and $5 million. Participants will be able to have open, confidential discussions in a secure environment to exchange information and ideas on concerns, problems and opportunities members typically face.
The first event is on December 6 from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the Washington County CDA office. But do not worry about missing this one - you can join any time and attend the other upcoming meetings. Register here or download the brochure for more information.